February 12 – “The Keepers of Tradition: Clown Societies in the Casas Grandes and Puebloan Worlds” by Michael Mathiowetz
January 8 – “War Paint: Biographic Art Painted on Plains War Horses” by James Keyser
November 13 – “Rediscovering the Fremont Through Rock Art Imagery” by Elizabeth Hora
October 9 – “Stabilization of Navajo Defensive Structures” by Larry Baker
September 11 – “The Survival of Diné textile traditions” by Venancio Aragon
August 14 – “Great Houses for Whom? Chacoan Monumental Architecture in Cognitive and Cross-Cultural Perspective” by Robert Weiner
July 10 – “The Cutting Edge of Conservation: Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology on the BLM’s National Conservation Lands” by Andy Gulliford
May 8 – “Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (Dating of White Sands footprints)” by Jeff Pigati and Kathleen Springer
April 10 – “Anthropology of Space and Place in the Temples in Northern Thailand” by Piyawit Moonkham
March 13 – “Archeoastronomy at Chaco Canyon” by David and Chloe Valentine and GB Cornucopia
February 14 – “Finding Solace in the Soil: The Archaeology of Gardens and Gardeners at Amache, Colorado’s Japanese American Incarceration Camp” by Bonnie Clark
January 10 – “Lucy: 3.2-million-year-old fossil hominin. How Lucy lived and died, and why it matters” by John Kappelman
November 8 – “A Different Way to Understand Community: A Closer Look at the Velarde Valley of New Mexico” by Patrick Cruz
October 11 – “No Place for a Lady: The Life Story of Archaeologist Marjorie F. Lambert” by Dr. Shelby Tisdale
September 13 – “Nevada Ancestral Puebloans” by Karen Harry
August 9 – “Intricate Simplicity: The Enduring Beauty of Gallina Ceramic Designs” by Jacque Kocer, Ph.D. candidate, Univ. of New Mexico
July 12 – “Sand, Stone, and Songs: Ancient lessons from a living Landscape” by Vincent MacMillan, Supervisory Archaeologist, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
May 10 – “From This Earth: Ancestral Pueblo Pottery in the Animas Museum Collection” by Mona Charles, Susan Jones, Briana Paxton and Patty Joy, co-sponsored by the Animas Museum
March 8 – “Creating Color in the Chaco World: Spatial Histories of Paint Production at Pueblo Bonito” by Kelsey Hanson
January 11 – “The First People of Ireland: the Colonization of Ireland at the end of the Ice Age” by Jesse Tune
October 12 – “The pre-Hispanic Parrot Trade: Scarlet Macaws in the US Southwest & Mexican Northwest” by Christopher Schwartz
September 14 – “Update on the Chaco Solstice Project” by Anna Sofaer and Rich Friedman
August 10 – “Chacoan Roads: How Were They Used, and Why Does It Matter?” by Robert Weiner
July 13 – “Hard Times and Mobility in the Thirteenth-Century Bears Ears National Monument area, SE Utah: A Chronometric Study” by Thomas Windes
May 11 – “Ancient Basketry Shields of the Northern Southwest” by Dr. Edward Jolie
April 13 – “Our Teeth Tell Tales: Living and Moving during the AD 1000-1200s in New Mexico” by Dr. Alexis O’Donnell
March 9 – “The use of Social Control in the Chaco Phenomenon during a Time of Change: A bioarchaeological perspective” by Dr. Ryan Harrod
February 9 – “Before Yellowstone: 11,000 Years of Native Americans in the National Park” by Dr. Douglas MacDonald
January 12 – “Contextualizing Extreme Processing at Sacred Ridge” by Dr Anna Osterholtz
November 10 – “Casa Grandes – Escaping Pueblo Space” by Dr. Stephen Lekson
October 13 – “Violence and Conflict in the American Southwest: A Biocultural Perspective of Mimbres and Mogollon Communities” by Professor Kathryn Baustian
September 8 – “Reconstructing the Pueblo Bonito Mounds: New Data and Models” by UNM Professor Wirt Wills
July 24 – “Dine Survivance and the Old Leupp Boarding School” by Davina Two Bears, visiting FLC professor
June 9 – Federico – One Man’s Remarkable Journey from Tututepec to LA by Shelby Tisdale
May 19 – Helen Sloan Daniels and the Early Years of Durango Archaeology – a presentation by Susan Jones, collections manager at the Animas Museum. Susan tells the story of how Helen Sloan Daniels was an early advocate for preserving Native American artifacts in 1930s-40s Durango. View the video here.
May 12 – “Landscapes of Stone: Iron Age Monuments, Rock Art and Landscapes along the Tungabhadra River, South India” by Carla Sinopoli
April 14 – “Methodology and Documentation of Historic Names at Aztec Ruins” by Fred Blackburn
March 10 – “The Archaeological Conservancy’s Preservation Efforts in the East: from the Paleolithic through 19th-Century Industrial Sites” by Kelley Berliner
February 10 – “Mogollon Archaeology Near Reserve, New Mexico: A Journey from Chicago to Denver and Beyond” by Dr. Steve Nash
January 13 – “Heavenly Splendor, the Baths of Caracalla” by Dianne Scialla
December 9 – “Five Days in Babylon” by Dr. Andrew Earles
November 11 – “Early Pueblo I Occupation of the Durango Area – Recent Excavations on Florida Mesa” by Rand Greubel
September 8 – “Settlement of the Americas,” by Dr. Jesse Tune
August 19 – “Detecting Domestication of the Four Corners Potato” by Lisbeth A. Louderback and Bruce M. Pavlik
August 12 – “Rock Art of Dinetah: Stories of Heroes and Healing” by Richard C. Jenkinson
July 8 – “Mosaic Water Features and Public Fountains in Pompeii” by Wayne Lorenz